
Exploration with Computation

start blogging with Hexo

After graduation as a PhD, I thought I should start a personal website to present my past working experiences. This will help people to get to know about my technical background. Besides, I can keep track of my after-graduation-learing and learn a little bit about front-end web development.

So I started with Hexo, which is a simple static blogging framework that allows easy customization. The best learning material is its documentation page.

Hexo documentation

The companion video tutorial from Mike is also great.

After spending some time on searching for themes, I found the minima theme. The theme is lightweighted and simple, which is just what I want, because I want to keep things plain and simple. A narrow design of the main text is very good for writing, so I need to be as concise as possible, and always keep in mind that the content is for quick understanding of general audience.

To write math equations (I need to keep them as few as possible), I installed the hexo-math plugin, which is also easy to use.

As for the deployment of site, one just needs to follow the instruction here. And remember to change the Settings > Pages > Source, branch to gh-pages. The final deployment may take a little while. So the pushed change may not be in effect immediately.

— Feb 19, 2022


    Made with ❤ and Hexo.js